Pennsylvania Drill Rig Accident Lawyers: DLP–Pennsylvania Training Gas Pipeline Inspectors
Although the Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling boom and resulting gas pipeline construction has been ongoing for years, Pennsylvania joined Alaska as the only states without state managed and trained pipeline inspectors. After an investigative series in the Philadelphia Inquirer pointed out the lack of inspectors, legislators in Harrisburg rushed through a bill giving DEP the right to hire and train inspectors to protect citizens from pipeline accidents. Reports today note that the limited number of state inspectors are receiving training and should be on the job in the near future. Critcs claim the number of inspectors and funding by the Governor’s office is too little and too late. Gas pipeline officials note that there have been no reported incidents and that new pipelines are being constructed with modern safety techniques including x-rays of all or most welds.
The trial lawyers at DOUGHERTY LEVENTHAL PRICE LLP–DLP—continue to follow this and other gas drilling rig issues as they represent serious and catastrophically injured citizens in auto, gas truck, drilling rig, quarry blasting and other accidents throughout the Marcellus Shale regions of Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania and the entire state.