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Landowners urged to seek deal

A company has an offer for local people in the natural gas-rich Marcellus Shale area.

By Steve
Staff Writer

Officials with a company in Western Pennsylvania say landowners in the Marcellus Shale region can benefit by banding together to negotiate natural gas drilling leases with energy companies.


For more information on Dick Landowners Group, call Kate or Steve Wood at (814) 483-4699 or e-mail

Representatives of Dick Landowners Group will be in the area next week meeting privately with some landowners to discuss the benefits that the group can offer, said company owner Deb Dick.

The group organizes pools for landowners for the marketing of oil and natural gas, working to obtain the maximum protection and secure the best financial success for landowners through power in numbers, competitive bidding and a landowner-friendly contract, Dick said.

Dick said all provisions of the contract negotiated with energy companies are contained in the body of the contract, meaning there are no addendums with confusing details.

“In our contracts, we limit what the gas companies get to a well, a road to the well and one pipeline out,” Dick said.

That leaves landowners with the potential for additional income streams if, for instance, the energy company later wants to build a compressor station or install additional pipelines, she said.

For its work, the group charges landowners a one-time fee of 15 percent of the bonus money the landowner would receive for each acre of land leased to the energy company, Dick said.

The company has successfully leased more than 500,000 acres contained in more than 1,700 individual parcels for landowners, including school districts, churches, attorneys and judges over the past three years, mostly in the western part of the state, she said.

The group incorporated as a limited liability company in Pennsylvania in February, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

Before that, the group had been operating as a sole proprietorship, Dick said.

Dick said the group plans to offer group meetings in the area in the future.

Copyright: Times Leader

Shale interest paying off, firm says

N.J. gas firm eyes $300M income

ANDREW MAYKUTH The Philadelphia Inquirer

A southern New Jersey gas firm that bought a $2 million Marcellus Shale interest in 2008 says it might generate $300 million in income over its lifetime.

South Jersey Industries Inc., the Folsom, N.J., company that owns South Jersey Gas and several nonutility energy businesses, disclosed to analysts that its purchase of mineral rights in northern Pennsylvania could pay off handsomely.

Chief executive officer Edward J. Graham, speaking to analysts about the company’s annual earnings, said two horizontal wells in which South Jersey Industries has a stake will begin producing income this quarter.

He said the gas operator, St. Mary Land & Exploration Co., of Tulsa, Okla., was still tying the wells to a pipeline, but feels “really good about the prospects.”

Two more wells are planned for this year on the 21,000-acre property in McKean County.

In early 2008, South Jersey Industries paid $2 million for an interest in a partnership that owns the deep-gas rights on the property, Stephen Clark, the company’s treasurer, said in an interview. Since then, the value of mineral rights has skyrocketed.

South Jersey Industries estimates that its combined royalties and ownership rights will net 10.25 percent of the value of the gas produced — the company’s share would be about $300 million, based on an average price of $6 per thousand cubic feet.

“It has the opportunity to be very productive for us,” Clark said.

Graham told analysts that it was premature to estimate earnings, which depend upon the number of wells drilled and the price of natural gas. Production could take years, or even decades, to realize.

The estimates illustrate the huge potential in the Marcellus Shale, which lies under much of Pennsylvania and several surrounding states.

Copyright: Times Leader

Shale group thinks governor’s tax in proposed budget unfair

Pa. is biggest natural gas producer that does not impose some type of tax.

MARC LEVY Associated Press Writer

HARRISBURG — The natural gas industry in one of the nation’s hottest exploration spots is bracing for a political tussle over whether and how Pennsylvania will tax methane from the potentially lucrative Marcellus Shale formation.

An industry trade association, the Marcellus Shale Coalition, said Thursday it wants any discussion of a tax to involve the high cost to drill a shale well and cumbersome state laws that make it costly to operate.

A tax enacted without addressing issues that hamper exploration companies could encourage some to move resources to shale formations in other states, said coalition president Kathryn Klaber.

“What is important is to look at the broad issues, not just a tax, as to how we make this climate best for growth,” Klaber said. “There are a lot of modernization policies that need to be put in place to develop this massive natural resource.”

On Tuesday, Gov. Ed Rendell issued his annual spending plan for the state and renewed his call to enact a tax identical to West Virginia’s: 5 percent on the value of sale, plus 4.7 cents per thousand cubic feet produced.

Rendell projects the tax would produce $180 million in the fiscal year beginning July 1 and increase to nearly $530 million after five years, including 10 percent set aside for local governments.

Rendell wants money to shore up a state treasury that faces a projected $5.6 billion gap in 2011 and 2012 resulting from spiraling public pension costs and the expiration of federal stimulus budget aid.

Pennsylvania is the biggest natural gas producer that does not impose some type of tax on it.

However, the coalition wants to steer talk of a tax to reflect those imposed by shale states, such as Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. In those states, the tax is discounted initially to allow the exploration companies to recoup a multimillion-dollar investment in each well.

For instance, Texas imposes a 7.5 percent tax but discounts it for 10 years or until the operator recovers 50 percent of the drilling and completion costs. In Arkansas, the state imposes a 5 percent tax on natural gas production but discounts it to 1.5 percent for at least three years.

Last year, Rendell called for the same tax rate on gas. After months of Republican-led opposition, he relented, saying he did not want to hurt an industry in its infancy.

In recent weeks, Rendell has said he believes the industry can afford to pay a tax, and pointed to the heavy influx of cash into Marcellus Shale exploration ventures.

For now, production from the Marcellus Shale is still in the early stages. Fewer than half of the approximately 1,100 wells drilled in Pennsylvania are connected to pipelines that can bring the gas to customers.

Environmental groups and the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors support a tax. The Senate’s Republican majority has not ruled out the eventual imposition of a tax, although Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jake Corman, R-Centre, called it “premature.”

Copyright: Times Leader

Lease will pay for township drilling

Tunkhannock expecting $439,975 check in March from Chesapeake Energy.

By Rory
Staff Writer

Tunkhannock Township in Wyoming County announced this week it received the signed agreement for its gas-drilling lease with Chesapeake Energy for about 76 acres of public land.

The up-front bonus check for $439,975 is expected in early March.

The township board had signed the lease in October, but the process was delayed because of municipal regulatory requirements.

“We were part of the Wyoming County land group, but we had to put it out for bid being a municipality,” said Judy Gingher, the township’s secretary.

The bid stipulated, however, that the winning bidder had to have at least 1,000 acres already leased in the township, and no one entered a bid.

The township received $5,762 per acre, which was $12 per acre more than for private landowners, Gingher said. The township currently has no plans for the money.

“They’re looking possibly just to invest it,” Gingher said.

Gingher said there were minor community concerns about surface-drilling activity because much of the land is in the township’s 42.5-acre Lazy Brook Park, which hosts a variety of community functions.

The land might be off limits to surface activity because of building-setback requirements and deed restrictions.

Much of it was purchased in 2006 through hazardous flood mitigation buyouts, which carry emergency management agency restrictions that prohibit permanent structures.

Township Solicitor Paul Litwin was unsure if drilling would be considered a restriction, though, because the drilling infrastructure is temporary and the resulting well pad likely wouldn’t impede flood flow, which is the purpose of the restrictions.

Structures are permissible “as long as you don’t increase the flood height with the structure, and a pad would basically be flat once you put the structure in,” he said.

“The question we’ll have to resolve if they want to put a pad there is that a permanent structure, and we’ll have to look at that if and when they want to do that. … They haven’t applied yet, so we haven’t looked at it yet. … My guess is it probably would not be considered permanent.”

Brian Grove, the director of corporate development at Chesapeake, declined to comment on the lease or plans for the property.

Copyright: Times Leader

Gas drilling meeting draws lots of interest

On WVIA show, members of industry admit not telling public about methods.

By Rory
Staff Writer

PITTSTON TWP. – Members of the gas-drilling industry acknowledged on Thursday evening a failure to inform the public about their procedures, and the audience at the WVIA call-in show reminded them of that often.

Viewers of the “State of Pennsylvania” program repeatedly questioned – through the Internet, phone calls and in person – potentials for polluting, environmental justice issues and the industry’s willingness to abide by regulations.

There were even sporadic bursts of applause when in-house questions touched on contentious issues. “I don’t want it (Marcellus Shale drilling) in Luzerne County,” said Audrey Simpson of Shavertown “Take a trip up to Dimock (Township in Susquehanna County) and see what the hell is happening to those people up there.”

There, methane contamination in 13 wells is being attributed to gas-drilling activities. Those affected have brought a lawsuit against the local driller, Cabot Oil and Gas.

A Cabot representative was not among the panel.

In fact, the only driller there was Chesapeake Energy, represented by David Spigelmyer, the vice president of government relations for Chesapeake’s Eastern Division. The company has defended the industry by itself at several similar public-input meetings.

Early on during the hour-long program, the vehemence was foreshadowed by Gary Byron, a former state Department of Environmental Protection official and the president of Dux Head Environmental Services, a consulting firm for the drilling industry.

“The industry and the DEP don’t agree on a lot, but the one thing they do agree on,” he said, is that information has lagged behind drilling activity so much that “there are a lot of misconceptions about the industry.”

He added that many of the companies need to be educated about regulatory methods in Pennsylvania. “They want to comply,” he said.

Bruce Bonnice, who has worked for several resource-conservation groups but also leased his land to Carrizo Oil and Gas and now consults for them, likened the risks to everyday transportation. “I’m not sure I’m going to have a car accident every time I get in my car, but I still travel,” he said.

Spigelmyer noted plans for taxing the industry are premature because the Marcellus hasn’t yet shown it’s worth refocusing capital from other gas shales in southern states. He added that regulatory overhead would further stunt that process.

Copyright: Times Leader

Drilling prompts DEP to get Scranton office

Intent is to have inspectors based closer to local gas drilling activity.

By Rory
Staff Writer

For some time, local legislators and environmentalists have complained that local oversight of natural-gas drilling is too difficult because the closest inspectors are in Williamsport.

With the industry preparing to ramp up activities in Susquehanna and Wayne counties, the state Department of Environmental Protection addressed that complaint on Wednesday by announcing the opening of an Oil and Gas Management office in Scranton.

“Our communities need the economic boost that gas drilling will provide, but we simply cannot afford to have state government shortchange oversight,” said state Sen. Lisa Baker, R-Lehman Township, in a news release.

She had asked Gov. Ed Rendell to open an office closer to local drilling activity, the release noted, because “given the increase in drilling activity expected to take place in the region, and the potential environmental consequences of mistakes, long-distance oversight was not an acceptable answer.”

The site hasn’t been finalized, but it will be within the city, according to DEP spokesman Tom Rathbun, and will house 10 employees who have yet to be hired. Most of those will be “field personnel,” Rathbun said, meaning “they’ll be handling inspection and compliance.”

No date has been set for the office’s opening, but Rathbun assured it would be “as soon as possible.”

“We’re anticipating continued growth in Wayne and Susquehanna counties, according to what the industry is reporting, so we’re responding to that,” he said. “That’s based on the industry forecasts where they’re doing next year, what they expect to do.”

Funding for the employees and regional office will be paid for through increased permitting fees the industry is paying to drill in the Marcellus shale, “which was the original intent behind increasing the fees: to make the program pay for itself,” Rathbun said.

The shale is a rock formation a mile underground stretching from New York to Kentucky and is estimated to store enough gas to supply the nation’s current consumption for two decades.

The employees will be part of 68 new DEP hires that Rendell announced last week to handle increased gas drilling, Rathbun said.

Copyright: Times Leader

Pennsylvania Workers’ Injuries in the Gas Drillling Industry

In Pennsylvania, the Department of Labor and Industry monitors and administers the codes and regulations which affect the safety of our workforce. The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (“the BWC”) administers laws which assure that workers are insured against job-related injury, illness, or death. The Health and Safety Division of the BWC is responsible for enforcement of the health and safety regulations of the Workers’ Compensation Act.
The Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety is responsible for the administration and enforcement of various provisions and regulations including the Uniform Construction Code, the Fire and Panic Law, the Universal Accessibility Law, the General Safety Law, the Boiler Law, and the Elevator Law. Also included in the purview of the Bureau of Occupational and Industrial Safety is the enforcement of the provisions of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Law and the Flammable & Combustible Liquids Law.

With the burgeoning growth of the natural drilling industry in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale field, it’s important that the workers in this industry can be assured of a safe work environment. It’s also important that these workers are aware of the rights and remedies available to them in the event that they suffer a work injury. The team of lawyers at Dougherty, Leventhal & Price are ready to answer your questions on workplace safety and the workers’ compensation system. If you do suffer a work injury, contact us and we will be happy to represent you and guide you through the litigation of your workers’ compensation claim.

Attorneys Thomas Cummings and Joseph Price to Attend Gas Drilling Seminar in Texas

In an effort to better serve workers and individuals injured as a result of gas drilling and related activities, DLP is pleased to announce that personal injury Attorneys Tom Cummings and Joseph Price will attend a seminar on gas drilling litigation and related issues to be conducted at the University of Texas. Attorney Cummings handles major workers compensation cases throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania and is skilled at advising out of state residents on their rights if injured while working in Pennsylvania. Attorney Price handles major personal injury litigation and has tried cases against large corporate defendants.
It is believed that Attorney Cummings and Attorney Price are the first lawyers form Northeastern Pennsylvania to receive specialized traning in the handling of drilling accidents. Both Attorney Cummings and Attorney Price have been named Pennsylvania Super Lawyers by Philadelphia Magazine.

Pennsylvania Jurisdiction in Well Drilling Work Injury

Paul had worked for a Texas-based natural gas drilling company out of Texas for a number of years. The company started to develop drilling sites in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and Paul was put up at a hotel close to the drilling site. Paul had never had an accident in the ten previous years he had worked, despite doing very physical types of activities while working with the various drills on the sites.

Paul’s good fortune ran out though, and he jammed his hand on one of the drill bits, seriously injuring the hand. Paul’s employer was insistent that since Paul was employed out of Texas and the employer was based out of Texas, that he would have to file his comp claim under Texas law.

Issue: Is Paul’s employer correct?

Answer: No. In Pennsylvania, regardless of where an employer is principally located and/or where a contract for hire was entered into, if an injury occurs in Pennsylvania, then Pennsylvania has jurisdiction and Paul will be entitled to benefits under Pennsylvania law. Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation benefits are, for the most part, far more generous, and the injured worker is provided far more protection than in other states, especially states in the South and Midwest.

Rep. backs state control of drilling

Beaver County lawmaker opposes bill introduced by U.S. Sen. Casey to close “Halliburton loophole.”

By Rory
Staff Writer

Concern over environmental damage from natural-gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale region has increased enough to attract federal attention, but at least one state representative believes regulation should be left to the states.

The state Department of Environmental Protection is strengthening its regulations for well construction, and Gov. Ed Rendell responded to the concern last week by announcing a plan to begin hiring 68 more DEP workers for inspections and compliance of gas drilling.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced last week an “Eyes on Drilling” tip line for citizens to report – anonymously, if preferred – anything that “appears to be illegal disposal of wastes or other suspicious activity,” according to an EPA news release.

Also, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Scranton, has introduced the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, which would close the so-called “Halliburton loophole.”

In the Energy Policy Act of 2005, hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” was exempted from the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, creating the loophole. Fracking forces water, sand and chemicals into rock formations underground such as the shale to crack the rock and release natural gas.

In a resolution introduced in the state House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee last week, Rep. Jim Christiana, R-Beaver, called for lawmakers to urge the U.S. Congress to not pass Casey’s proposal.

Noting that fracking itself has not caused any known groundwater contamination at more than 1.1 million wells in which it’s been used, Christiana’s resolution supports continued state regulation of the process. The resolution refers to the 2005 energy act, indicating that Congress specifically meant to exclude fracking.

It also states that a federal Environmental Protection Agency report from 2004 found that hydraulic fracturing in coal bed methane wells “poses minimal threat” to drinking water sources.

State Rep. Jim Wansacz, D-Old Forge, wasn’t sure whether he supported the resolution, but felt confident that it doesn’t really matter either way. Congress members “don’t pay much attention to that,” he said. “Resolutions don’t mean a whole lot.”

He said a federal regulation might help by keeping all states at an equal minimum, but he said treading on states’ rights would “bother” him.

Wansacz said he doubted the bill by Casey would overrule states’ authority, but he was sensitive to the issue.

“Once the feds come in, they take over … so we’ve got to be careful what we ask for.”

State Rep. Phyllis Mundy, D-Kingston, isn’t so sure the resolution is focused on states’ rights. “This resolution is obviously industry driven” she noted in an e-mail.

“The industry somehow got hydraulic fracking exempted from the (drinking-water act) and now Senator Casey has a bill to eliminate this exemption. I support the Casey bill. … It would protect drinking water and the public health from the risks imposed by hydraulic fracturing.”

Separately, the EPA is offering citizens a way to report drilling problems. The announcement comes in the wake of several controversies over whether companies are reporting all spills.

The state Department of Environmental Protection fined a Towanda company earlier this month for spilling seven tons of drilling wastewater last year. The incident was reported only after a nearby Pennsylvania Department of Transportation crew witnessed it.

In October, a complaint was filed with DEP to investigate a suspicion that trees were damaged at a Wayne County site from an unreported drilling-fluid spill.

According to the release, “public concern about the environmental impacts of oil and natural gas drilling has increased in recent months, particularly regarding development of the Marcellus Shale formation where a significant amount of activity is occurring. … The agency is also very concerned about the proper disposal of waste products, and protecting air and water resources.”

The EPA doesn’t grant drilling permits, but its regulations may apply to storing petroleum products and drilling fluids, the release noted. The EPA wants to have “a better understanding of what people are experiencing and observing as a result of these drilling activities,” the release noted, because “information collected may also be useful in investigating industry practices.

The new DEP employees will be paid for through well-permitting fees that were increased last year. There will also likely be more of them: Rendell said the industry expects to apply for 5,200 permits this year, three times as many as last year.

The new DEP regulations they’ll have to obey include increased responsibility to repair or replace affected water supplies, procedures to correct gas migration issues without waiting for DEP’s direction and re-inspection of existing wells.

The draft regulations were opened for public comment on Friday.

Rory Sweeney, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7418.

Copyright: Times Leader