Greenfield considers zoning change for gas drilling

By Libby A. Nelson (Staff Writer)
Published: May 28, 2010

Families appealed decision

GREENFIELD TWP. – A decision on the fate of the first Marcellus Shale natural-gas well in Lackawanna County will be delayed for up to 45 days, as the township’s zoning board considers arguments over a zoning change that allowed the drilling.

Exco Resources (PA) Inc., a gas exploration company formerly named Exco-North Coast Energy Resources, drilled the well in late September and October. In December, a resident complained to township supervisors that the land where the well was located, on Route 247 adjacent to the Skyline Golf Course, was not zoned to permit gas drilling.

The family that owned the land requested a zoning change from commercial recreational to rural agricultural, which would permit drilling as a conditional use, and Exco agreed to stop work until the question was resolved.

The board of supervisors unanimously approved the zoning change in March. A group of six families opposed to the drilling appealed the decision, arguing in a hearing Thursday night that the change was an example of “spot zoning” and should not be permitted.

Spot zoning occurs when a municipality rezones a small parcel of land to permit uses that are not allowed on similar land in the surrounding area. Greenfield’s zoning law permits drilling in rural agricultural zones, but opponents of the change said that the drilling is at odds with the township’s rural atmosphere.

“In my opinion, it is not a compatible use,” said Marvin Brotter, a planning expert who testified that he believed the ordinance constituted spot zoning. “I would not want that use next to my residence.”

In Susquehanna County, drilling has ruined roads and produced “disturbing” dust and noise, said Victoria Switzer, who was party to a lawsuit over contamination allegedly caused by gas drilling near Dimock.

“It’s a total industrialization of a rural community,” Ms. Switzer said.

About 35 people, including some who testified, attended the appeal. The zoning board has 45 days to issue a written decision.

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