Posts Tagged ‘Colorado’
State releases list of drilling chemicals
Compounds associated with serious health effects are among those being used to drill gas wells.Staff and wire reports HARRISBURG — More than two years after the start of a natural gas drilling boom, Pennsylvania is making public what environmental regulators dub a complete list of the chemicals used to extract the gas from deep underground amid rising public fears of potential water contamination and increased scrutiny of the fast-growing industry. Compounds associated with neurological problems, cancer and other serious health effects are among the chemicals being used to drill the wells, although state and industry officials say there is no evidence that the activity is polluting drinking water. The Associated Press obtained the list from the state Department of Environmental Protection, which assembled what is believed to be the first complete catalog of chemicals being used to drill in the Marcellus Shale. The department hopes to post it online as soon as Wednesday, according to spokesman Tom Rathbun. It counts more than 80 chemicals being used by the industry in a process called hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” as it pursues the gas in the mile-deep shale. Environmental advocates worry the chemicals are poisoning underground drinking water sources. However, environmental officials say they know of no examples in Pennsylvania or elsewhere. “If we thought there was any frack fluid getting into fresh drinking water … I think we’d have to have a very serious conversation about prohibiting the activity completely,” said Scott Perry, the director of the department’s Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. Conrad Volz, who directs the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, said state and federal agencies haven’t done enough research to come to that conclusion. Dr. Thomas Jiunta, a podiatrist from Lehman Township who founded the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition, predicted DEP’s list would be incomplete and that it would not provide concentrations of chemicals used in fracking fluids. He referred a reporter to Theo Colburn, who has been conducting research on the effects of fracking chemicals. Colborn, who founded The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, a Colorado non-profit that studies health and environmental problems caused by low-dose exposure to chemicals that interfere with development and function, said the list of chemicals is “the longest list (that she’s seen) provided by any government agency.” But, said Colborn, whose degrees include pharmacy, epidemiology, toxicology and water chemistry, the list does not contain Chemical Abstract Services registry numbers, which aid in identifying the chemicals through databases. And several items on the list are classes of chemicals rather than individual chemicals. “Glycol ethers – see, here you have a general term again. There are many glycol ethers. In our spreadsheets, you wouldn’t find anything so general,” Colborn said, scanning the list. “And Oil Mist – what is that?” she said. Colborn also said the concentrations of the chemicals in the fracking fluids should be divulged because it’s the only way medical personnel and scientists can determine the dosage of chemicals when treating someone exposed to them or when researching the long-term effects of exposure or consumption if the chemicals ended up contaminating a water supply. Industry advocates say the concentrations of chemicals in fracking solutions must remain trade secrets. Many of the compounds are present in consumer products, such as salt, cosmetics, ice cream, gasoline, pesticides, solvents, glues, paints and tobacco smoke. A decades-old technology, hydraulic fracturing was coming under increased scrutiny even before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Its spread from states such as Texas, Colorado and Wyoming to heavily populated watersheds on the East Coast has led to worries about water contamination and calls for federal regulation. Hydraulic fracturing is exempt from the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, leaving states to regulate the activity. In New York state, regulators have effectively held up drilling on the Marcellus Shale while they consider new regulations. Last year, they published a list of more than 250 chemicals that could potentially be used there. In Pennsylvania, where approximately 1,500 Marcellus Shale wells have been drilled and many thousands more are expected in the coming years, the state is working to buttress its regulations even as rigs poke holes in large swaths of the state. Pennsylvania assembled the list in recent months from information the industry is required to disclose and decided to prepare it for the public as public interest grew, Perry said. Industry officials say the chemicals pose no threat because they are handled safely and are heavily diluted when they are injected under heavy pressure with water and sand into a well. Industry officials say the chemicals account for less than 1 percent of the fluid that is blasted underground. The mixture breaks up the shale some 5,000 to 8,000 feet down and props open the cracks to allow the gas trapped inside to flow up the well to the surface. One compound, naphthalene, is classified by the federal Environmental Protection Agency as a possible human carcinogen. The EPA said central nervous system depression has been reported in people who get high levels of toluene by deliberately inhaling paint or glue. In its online guidelines on xylene, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration cites an industrial hygiene and toxicology text that says chronic exposure to xylene may cause central nervous system depression, anemia, liver damage and more. The chemicals are used to reduce friction, kill algae and break down mineral deposits in the well. Various well services firms make different proprietary blends of the solutions and supply them to the drilling companies, which blend them with water at the well site before pumping them underground. In recent years, some makers of the solutions have sought to replace toxic ingredients with “green” or food-based additives. For instance, Range Resources Corp., one of the most active drilling companies in Pennsylvania, is close to rolling out a 100 percent biodegradable friction reducer, spokesman Matt Pitzarella said Monday. Copyright: Times Leader |
Gasland movie critical of drilling
An organization funded by the natural gas industry disputes the HBO film’s conclusions.
By Steve
Staff Writer
After Josh Fox was offered nearly $100,000 to lease his 20 acres in Wayne County to a gas company, he heard two different accounts – one, a story of easy money, the other a tale of horror.
The 37-year-old independent filmmaker set out to find the truth about natural gas drilling, and his conclusions can be seen in his documentary film “Gasland,” to air on HBO at 9 p.m. on Monday.
And while representatives of the gas industry call the film a piece of propaganda filled with exaggerations and inaccuracies, Fox stands by his work and says it’s the industry’s response that is propaganda.
In a phone interview Thursday afternoon, as he was getting ready for a special screening of the documentary at the HBO Theater in New York City that night, Fox said a land man with a gas company told him in 2008 that the company probably wouldn’t even drill on the land. But he heard from others that environmentally, gas drilling was “very polluting.”
“There was such a disparity between what was being said and what was being offered, I needed to see with my own eyes,” Fox said.
So, Fox set out for the village of Dimock in Susquehanna County to talk with folks whose well water was polluted by natural gas migration from leaking gas wells.
“It was completely a disaster area. There were Halliburton trucks swarming everywhere. Water was bubbling and fizzing; some you could light on fire. There was a feeling of regret and betrayal in the air,” Fox said.
Residents were unaware of the contamination until Norma Fiorentino’s water well exploded on Jan. 1, 2009, Fox said.
The state Department of Environmental Protection fined the drilling company and ordered the wells capped.
Fox visited 23 other states where natural gas drilling was taking place. He interviewed people whose health and quality of life were negatively impacted; scientists, one of whom warns of the dangers of drinking water infused with chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing (commonly called fracking), which releases the gas from the underground shale formations; and government officials on both sides of the issue.
One of the officials Fox interviewed was DEP Secretary John Hanger, who minimized the negative effects of fracking but refused to drink a glass of water from an affected well, according to a synopsis of the film on the HBO website.
On the same day as a special screening of the film in Montrose earlier this month, Energy in Depth – a gas-industry-funded organization, released an alert on its website entitled “Debunking Gasland,” pulling out numerous quotes from the movie and disputing them.
Energy In Depth claimed that Fox was “misstating the law” when he said that a 2005 energy bill exempted the oil and gas industry from the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Superfund law and other regulations. The industry is regulated under every single one of those laws, said Energy In Depth spokesman Chris Tucker.
The organization states that Fox was “flat-out making stuff up” when he said the Pinedale Anticline and Jonah gas fields of Wyoming are directly in the path of a 1,000-year-old migration corridor of pronghorn antelope, mule deer and sage grouse, each species of which is endangered.
Energy in Depth countered that three species of the pronghorn are endangered and none are found near the Pinedale Anticline, citing the Great Plains Nature Center; that only mule deer from New Mexico, noting that mule deer are so plentiful in Wyoming, there is a mule deer hunting season; and citing a U.S. Fish and Wildlife report stating that the sage grouse is not on the endangered list and there are “robust populations” of the bird in Wyoming.
Fox also blamed an algae bloom that killed fish and other aquatic life in Dunkard Creek in Washington County on natural gas development, Tucker said. But DEP reports show the bloom was caused by coal mine drainage.
The organization also cites a reference in the documentary to Colorado resident Lisa Bracken, who reported to environmental regulators occurrences of natural gas in the West Divide Creek, which she believed was related to natural gas drilling. “Fox blames methane occurrence in West Divide Creek, Colo., on natural gas development,” the release states.
Energy In Depth published links to reports on the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission website that showed the methane was naturally occurring. Tucker said those reports were available long before “Gasland” was released.
Theo Stein, communications director for the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, said a commission investigation revealed that the methane Bracken reported bubbling in her beaver ponds near the creek was naturally occurring swamp gas from rotting vegetation.
Stein confirmed, however, that about a quarter-mile upstream, some methane gas was still present from a gas migration into the creek from a leak in a well drilled in 2004 by EnCana Oil & Gas, the company that will begin drilling in Luzerne County next month. EnCana received the largest fine in Colorado’s history for allowing that leak to occur.
Tucker, who is a native of Kingston Township and has been closely following the development of the Marcellus Shale in Northeastern Pennsylvania, said the press release was addressing only Bracken’s claims in the documentary. He was unfamiliar with the incident involving EnCana and said the issue alert was not meant to be misleading.
Copyright: Times Leader
Some urge suspension at forum on drilling
U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak holds a meeting at Misericordia University.
By Sherry Long
Staff Writer
Published on June 13, 2010
DALLAS TWP. – Property owners concerned about the effects of Marcellus Shale drilling on water reservoirs made their views clearly known Saturday afternoon during a packed town hall meeting at Misericordia University’s library.
They wanted a moratorium enacted immediately on all gas drilling throughout the state until more is known on how to safely drill natural gas wells without using dangerous chemicals in the hydrofracturing process. The process uses between 1 million to 1.5 million of gallons of water per well laced with chemicals and dirt under high pressure to force the ground open to release natural gas, geologist Patrick Considine said.
Considine and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak, whose campaign organized the town hall forum, said that during President George W. Bush’s administration, requirements on oil and gas companies were dramatically lifted. Considine, president of Considine Associates and forum panel member, explained that federal and state officials are not entitled to know what mixtures of chemicals each gas drilling company uses because it is considered a trade secret formula.
He warned that the federal and state governments need more officials to oversee the drilling processes, so the companies are not tempted to cut corners when disposing of the water after the fracking.
“Oil and gas companies need to be held to the same standards as other companies. We don’t need more regulations; we need to find ways to enforce the regulations we have,” Considine said.
People wanting the moratorium drowned out the drilling supporters, including business owner, economist and farmer Joe Grace of Morris in Lycoming County, who sees this industry being one of the biggest Pennsylvania has ever experienced by bringing 88,000 jobs to the state just this year and generating millions in revenue.
Worried about the environment and safety of area water systems, local podiatrist Dr. Thomas Jiunta adamantly disagreed with Grace, pointing to the recent gas well drilling incident in Clearfield County and a gas pipeline accident that killed one worker in Texas.
“This is not a safe activity as we know how to do it right now. We need to stop it first. We are putting the cart before the horse when you are talking about economic boom. You can’t drink gas,” said Jiunta of Dallas, a Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition founding member.
Jiunta added more focus should be put jobs that will support and grow green and renewable energy sources.
Sestak told people he sees gas drilling as an economic boon to the state, yet it needs to be done in a responsible way.
“I think this would be a good way to yes, exploit our resources, but not our communities. Business has to pause. Harrisburg has to stop until we get it right,” Sestak said, adding that he supports enacting a 5 percent severance tax on the drilling companies. He said is in favor of a moratorium
No representatives from the campaign of Sestak’s opponent, former U.S. rep. Pat Toomey, attended the forum.
A statement from the Republican candidate’s campaign staff said Sestak’s plan for taxing the drilling will backfire by pushing those companies to focus on other states.
“Marcellus Shale has the potential to provide Pennsylvania with over 200,000 new jobs and millions of dollars in added revenue, but Joe Sestak’s plan to tax natural gas extraction will chase these jobs out of Pennsylvania. A recent study warned that a tax on Marcellus natural gas output would very likely divert investment to other states like Colorado and Texas. This is further proof that Joe Sestak’s ‘more government, less jobs’ approach is bad for Pennsylvania,” Toomey’s Deputy Communications Director Kristin Anderson said.
State Rep. Karen Boback, R-Harveys Lake, did not attend the forum, but issued a statement Friday stating she was working to develop legislation to protect drinking water from gas drilling practices. Knowing that will take time to become law, she is urging Gov. Ed Rendell to issue an executive order implementing four additional rules before permits can be issued.
Her opponent, Richard Shermanski, a Democrat, attended the meeting, telling people he would not support any form of drilling if he knows it will damage water reservoirs.
Many attending the forum reside in Luzerne County, but some people, including Leslie Avakian of Greenfield Township in northern Lackawanna County, drove an hour to voice their views.
She believes the state’s Department of Environmental Protection needs to be spilt up into two separate agencies because DEP currently issues the permits and regulates the gas companies.
Lynn Hesscease of Dallas told her story of how she became deathly sick after three years of oil leaking in her cellar from a rusted pipe.
She explained how she can’t use any type of products made from petroleum – polyester clothing, petroleum jelly or use plastic cups.
“We have to be very careful it is not near our drinking water and we are not exposed to the chemicals or fumes because if we are, people will get sick,” Hesscease said.
Sherry Long, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 829-7159.
Copyright: The Times Leader
Some urge suspension at forum on drilling
U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak holds a meeting at Misericordia University.
By Sherry
Staff Writer
DALLAS TWP. – Property owners concerned about the effects of Marcellus Shale drilling on water reservoirs made their views clearly known Saturday afternoon during a packed town hall meeting at Misericordia University’s library.
They wanted a moratorium enacted immediately on all gas drilling throughout the state until more is known on how to safely drill natural gas wells without using dangerous chemicals in the hydrofracturing process. The process uses between 1 million to 1.5 million of gallons of water per well laced with chemicals and dirt under high pressure to force the ground open to release natural gas, geologist Patrick Considine said.
Considine and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak, whose campaign organized the town hall forum, said that during President George W. Bush’s administration, requirements on oil and gas companies were dramatically lifted. Considine, president of Considine Associates and forum panel member, explained that federal and state officials are not entitled to know what mixtures of chemicals each gas drilling company uses because it is considered a trade secret formula.
He warned that the federal and state governments need more officials to oversee the drilling processes, so the companies are not tempted to cut corners when disposing of the water after the fracking.
“Oil and gas companies need to be held to the same standards as other companies. We don’t need more regulations; we need to find ways to enforce the regulations we have,” Considine said.
People wanting the moratorium drowned out the drilling supporters, including business owner, economist and farmer Joe Grace of Morris in Lycoming County, who sees this industry being one of the biggest Pennsylvania has ever experienced by bringing 88,000 jobs to the state just this year and generating millions in revenue.
Worried about the environment and safety of area water systems, local podiatrist Dr. Thomas Jiunta adamantly disagreed with Grace, pointing to the recent gas well drilling incident in Clearfield County and a gas pipeline accident that killed one worker in Texas.
“This is not a safe activity as we know how to do it right now. We need to stop it first. We are putting the cart before the horse when you are talking about economic boom. You can’t drink gas,” said Jiunta of Dallas, a Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition founding member.
Jiunta added more focus should be put jobs that will support and grow green and renewable energy sources.
Sestak told people he sees gas drilling as an economic boon to the state, yet it needs to be done in a responsible way.
“I think this would be a good way to yes, exploit our resources, but not our communities. Business has to pause. Harrisburg has to stop until we get it right,” Sestak said, adding that he supports enacting a 5 percent severance tax on the drilling companies. He said is in favor of a moratorium
No representatives from the campaign of Sestak’s opponent, former U.S. rep. Pat Toomey, attended the forum.
A statement from the Republican candidate’s campaign staff said Sestak’s plan for taxing the drilling will backfire by pushing those companies to focus on other states.
“Marcellus Shale has the potential to provide Pennsylvania with over 200,000 new jobs and millions of dollars in added revenue, but Joe Sestak’s plan to tax natural gas extraction will chase these jobs out of Pennsylvania. A recent study warned that a tax on Marcellus natural gas output would very likely divert investment to other states like Colorado and Texas. This is further proof that Joe Sestak’s ‘more government, less jobs’ approach is bad for Pennsylvania,” Toomey’s Deputy Communications Director Kristin Anderson said.
State Rep. Karen Boback, R-Harveys Lake, did not attend the forum, but issued a statement Friday stating she was working to develop legislation to protect drinking water from gas drilling practices. Knowing that will take time to become law, she is urging Gov. Ed Rendell to issue an executive order implementing four additional rules before permits can be issued.
Her opponent, Richard Shermanski, a Democrat, attended the meeting, telling people he would not support any form of drilling if he knows it will damage water reservoirs.
Many attending the forum reside in Luzerne County, but some people, including Leslie Avakian of Greenfield Township in northern Lackawanna County, drove an hour to voice their views.
She believes the state’s Department of Environmental Protection needs to be spilt up into two separate agencies because DEP currently issues the permits and regulates the gas companies.
Lynn Hesscease of Dallas told her story of how she became deathly sick after three years of oil leaking in her cellar from a rusted pipe.
She explained how she can’t use any type of products made from petroleum – polyester clothing, petroleum jelly or use plastic cups.
“We have to be very careful it is not near our drinking water and we are not exposed to the chemicals or fumes because if we are, people will get sick,” Hesscease said.
Sherry Long, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 829-7159.
Copyright: Times Leader
New gas entry alters picture
People are wondering just what EnCana will bring to Marcellus Shale drilling.
By Steve
Staff Writer
Edward Buda had been dealing with representatives of Whitmar Exploration Co. for about two years since he, his late brother and sister-in-law negotiated a lease with the company for natural gas drilling on their Fairmount Township property.
• Based in Calgary, Alberta, EnCana was formed in 2002 through the business combination of Alberta Energy Co. Ltd. and PanCanadian Energy Corp. It is one of North America’s leading natural gas producers with a land base of 15.6 million acres in North America.
• The company produces 3 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day and operates about 8,700 wells.
• EnCana operates in the United States through its subsidiary Encana Gas & Oil (USA) Inc., with its U.S. headquarters in Denver, Colo., and field offices in Denver, Texas, Wyoming and Louisiana.
• In addition to the Marcellus Shale, EnCana is active in four key natural gas resource plays: Jonah in southwest Wyoming; Piceance in northwest Colorado; and the East Texas and Fort Worth, Texas basins. The USA Division is also focused on the development of the Haynesville Shale play in Louisiana and Texas.
• EnCana Corp. reported sales of $11 billion in 2009. Its stock trades under the symbol ECA. It has traded between $27.56 and $63.19 per share in the past 52 weeks and closed Friday at $30.28.
Many area properties are leased for drilling
The list of Luzerne County properties leased for natural gas drilling is long – more than 1,000 just with EnCana Oil & Gas. Chesapeake Energy holds dozens more leases, although the company so far has not begun any drilling operations.
Work began last week on the site of Encana’s first exploratory well in Luzerne County, off Route 118 in Lake Township.
The Times Leader obtained drilling leases filed with the Luzerne County Recorder of Deeds as of last week. They range from slivers of land – less than one-tenth of an acre – to huge spreads of hundreds of acres. Most are with individuals, others with well-known organizations, such as the Irem Temple Country Club.
All of them are in the Back Mountain or other areas in the north and west parts of the county. Most of the land will never host a gas well but may be needed for access roads, equipment storage and to buffer drilling pads from neighbors.
The lists are in pdf format, sorted by municipality. Duplicate filing numbers were removed, but most properties show up twice because leases originally signed with Whitmar Exploration Co. have been assigned to EnCana. The lists can be searched by name using later versions of Adobe Reader, a free computer program.
Find the lists accompanying the main story under “Related Documents” at
Now, there’s a new player in the mix, since Whitmar announced a partnership with EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. in November for a joint venture in drilling and development of the Marcellus Shale in Luzerne and Columbia counties.
Like others in the Back Mountain, Sweet Valley and Red Rock areas, Buda is a bit wary of the Denver-based energy company.
“We did business with Whitmar. How (Encana is) going to be, I don’t know. How they honor the contract, that’s to be seen. I still don’t know much about them,” said Buda, 75, who lives in Ross Township.
Buda’s brother Walter and Walter’s wife Eleanor signed a fairly simple three-page lease with Whitmar in February 2009, a month before Walter died. Eleanor passed away in November, Edward said, and he became the new lease holder just as EnCana came into the picture.
Now, EnCana wants to lease Edward’s property in Ross Township, but he isn’t too impressed with the $1,000-per-acre offer. And the 16-page lease proposal that has undergone many revisions is written in legalese, he said.
“They wanted to put a drill pad on my property (in Ross Township). I said I want to wait and see what happens in Red Rock (section of Fairmount Township). Everybody’s waiting to see whether it’s going to be a gusher or a fiasco in Red Rock,” Edward said.
Wendy Wiedenbeck, a public and community relations adviser for EnCana, said the well on Buda’s property and a second well planned for a Lake Township property owned by township Supervisor Amy Salansky and her husband, Paul, are exploratory ventures.
If those wells produce an acceptable amount of natural gas, EnCana will develop a plan for expanded drilling operations in the area, Wiedenbeck said. Drilling is expected to begin in July on Buda’s property and gas production should start by October. Clearing of an access road to the site began last week.
Company has won honors
For the past few months, Wiedenbeck has been the face of EnCana locally, arranging and attending meetings with people who live or own property within a mile of the planned drilling sites as well as attending meetings with local groups concerned about drilling activity in their communities.
A self-described “Army wife” with two sons – one in first grade, the other a senior in college, Wiedenbeck has lived in Colorado since 1989 and has been working in community/public relations since the early 1990s. She’s been with EnCana for five years.
“They’re a cultural fit for me. I believe they truly believe in responsible development,” Wiedenbeck said of her employer.
To prove her point, Wiedenbeck provided a long list of awards EnCana has received over the past few years. Just a few include:
• The 2008 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Natural Gas STAR award, recognizing outstanding efforts to measure, report and reduce methane emissions;
• Interstate Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Chairman’s Stewardship Awards, recognizing exemplary efforts in environmental stewardship by the oil and natural gas industry;
• The 2009 Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Award for Courtesy Matters program in the Denver-Julesburg Basin surrounding Erie, Colo.
“Courtesy Matters” is EnCana’s community engagement program that brings EnCana staff and third-party contractors together with the community to discuss the nuisance issues associated with company operations,” Wiedenbeck said.
“Courtesy Matters creates a working environment where open and ongoing dialog are paramount. Discussions generally include concerns with traffic, noise and dust associated with our operations,” she said.
Community investment vital
Marty Ostholthoff, community development director for Erie, Colo., said in a teleconference that EnCana is one of four major energy companies drilling in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, the others being Noble Energy Inc., Kerr-McGee Corp. and Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
Fred Diehl, assistant town administrator in Erie, said he would be remiss if he didn’t point out “how far ahead of the other operators EnCana is” when it comes to community investment.
Diehl said he mentioned to Wiedenbeck that officials wanted to install solar panels on a new community center being built, and EnCana donated $250,000 to make that happen. A month ago, the company donated $175,000 for eco-friendly lighting at community ball fields.
“It’s not a requirement that they make notifications to our residents (about drilling activities or problems), but they do. It’s not a requirement that they make financial investments into our community, but they do,” Ostholthoff said.
Of course, there’s a downside to the presence of the drilling companies in the suburban area, which lies in one of the largest natural gas fields in the country, Diehl said.
“These things are still loud,” he said of the drilling rigs. “People come into our offices complaining, ‘We can’t sleep.’ But we worked with the operators to put up hay bales and cargo trailers to minimize the noise. The only good thing is, (the drilling is) temporary.”
As far as addressing concerns of residents, Diehl said all of the companies seem willing and responsive. “If they’re not, one of them can give the whole industry a black eye,” Diehl said.
Wiedenbeck said EnCana will have a toll-free number posted at its drilling sites that people can call to report concerns. Callers who choose the Pennsylvania prompt will be automatically directed to her office or cell phone. An operations phone number also will be established, she said.
And while EnCana will hire someone locally to help with community relations efforts, Wiedenbeck said she will continue to be “that face” for the community. She has spent about half her time in Pennsylvania since EnCana partnered with Whitmar, sometimes bringing her youngest son, Sammy, on trips here.
“He loves Pennsylvania,” she said.
Steve Mocarsky, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7311.
Copyright: Times Leader
Company defends its environmental record
EnCana’s hydraulic fracturing has never impacted a water well, spokeswoman says.
By Steve
Staff Writer
Wendy Wiedenbeck acknowledges that Luzerne County residents might be troubled by the fact that EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. paid $1.5 million in fines over the past four years.
But Wiedenbeck, the community and public relations adviser for the natural gas company that will begin drilling in the Back Mountain and Red Rock areas this summer, said the company is “committed to responsible development” and today is “a leader in environmental stewardship.”
According to data Wiedenbeck provided at the request of The Times Leader, EnCana was assessed $542,000 on nine fines in 2006; $663,000 on 19 fines in 2007; $306,000 on 19 fines in 2008; and $3,000 on 10 fines in 2009. The data for 2009 is subject to change, she said.
Some Back Mountain residents and elected officials have expressed concern that drilling activities could contaminate water private water wells or the Huntsville and Ceasetown reservoirs.
Wiedenbeck said EnCana has never had an instance in which the company’s hydraulic fracturing process affected a water well.
“In fact, there has never been an instance where the fracking process impacted water wells. We have, however, experienced operational failures, which resulted in regulatory violations and fines. These range from issues with lost circulation during cementing, which resulted in permanent changes to cementing protocols in 2004, to deficiencies with location signage,” she said.
Encana’s violations have ranged a wide gamut, from a $1,000 fine after a contractor’s truck broke down on a mountain road during a restricted time period, preventing parents from picking up their children from a bus stop in 2002, to the largest fine issued by the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission for allowing gas to migrate into a creek.
The commission fined EnCana a record $371,000 after one of the company’s wells leaked into West Divide Creek in Western Colorado in 2004. The seep was found to contain the carcinogenic chemical benzene.
Wiedenbeck said that fine is included in the total assessed in 2006, and the seep resulted from a failure in cementing procedures at the well.
“We made a mistake. We moved too fast. But we worked with the commission to modify and improve the cementing procedure in Colorado. Since then, we’ve drilled hundreds of wells in Colorado without incident. But (the Divide Creek incident) is part of the reason why we’re taking a very thoughtful and measured approach to our operations in Luzerne County,” she said.
Wiedenbeck also pointed to a vast improvement in EnCana’s record related to spills.
In 2009, EnCana had 75 reportable spills totaling 4,036 barrels of material, a volume reduction of 38 percent from 2008 and 87 less than in 2007, she said.
Dave Neslin, executive director of the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, said commission staff views EnCana as “a responsible operator.”
Neslin said EnCana’s compliance has improved since the Divide Creek seep, and the company implemented an extensive remediation plan. “Much of the impact has been remediated,” he said.
Neslin said EnCana is one of the largest operators in the state, responsible for nearly 10 percent of the approximately 40,000 active oil and gas wells in the state.
He noted that the company was the first to voluntarily establish a wildlife mitigation program encompassing 44,000 acres to ensure wildlife populations will be protected, and that EnCana won a commission award last year for the company’s Courtesy Matters community outreach program.
Steve Mocarsky, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7311.
Copyright: Times Leader
Much of Back Mt. leased
Partnership of two energy companies lines up area covering over 25,000 acres in the Back Mountain for gas exploration.
By Jerry
Business Writer
Just a few sites have been approved for natural gas drilling in Luzerne County, but a partnership of two energy companies has signed leases for more than 25,000 acres, primarily in the Back Mountain, to explore the Marcellus Shale formation that runs underneath.

Since September, Whitmar Exploration Co., of Denver, Colo., has been signing leases with property owners in nine townships and Harveys Lake borough. The company has been working with EnCana Oil & Gas USA Inc. in a joint venture to develop the properties. EnCana holds a 75 percent interest in the leases and is responsible for drilling.
Whitmar wanted to partner with an experienced operator, said Wendy Wiedenbeck, a public and community relations adviser for EnCana.
“This is what we do,” said Wiedenbeck. “We have a team working on this project that possesses deep experience gained from working on similar projects across North America.”
EnCana received approval Tuesday from the Luzerne County Zoning Hearing Board to sink a well in Lake Township and set up a natural gas metering station in Fairmount Township. In April, Lehman Township officials approved drilling for another well.
Wiedenbeck on Wednesday confirmed a map provided to The Times Leader was one EnCana prepared for the Back Mountain Community Partnership to show the extent of the leaseholds.
She cautioned that “the map is quite dated,” having been created in February. Whitmar has signed additional leases into April, according to a search of the county property database.
Wiedenbeck said EnCana’s presence will grow in the region. “As we move forward, EnCana is acquiring new leases.”
When pieced together, the leases cover large swatches of land in the largely rural northern and western sections of the county. The leaseholds range in size from under 1 acre to over 100 acres.
Fairmount Township had the most coverage with approximately 7,500 acres leased, according to the map. Lehman and Ross townships each had nearly 4,300 acres leased; Lake Township, close to 2,600 acres; Jackson Township, 2,400 acres; Huntington Township, 1,400 acres; Dallas Township, 1,300 acres; Hunlock Township, 700 acres; Union Township, 400 acres; Plymouth Township, 200 acres; and Harveys Lake, 50 acres.
The region has also attracted the attention of another major player in the natural gas industry.
Chesapeake Energy Corp. has signed 93 leases since August 2007. More than two-thirds of them were filed this year, according to county property records.
Copyright: Times Leader
Gas land leasers now get rich deal
By Rory
Staff Writer
The yearlong wait was worth it for Wyoming County landowners who didn’t get a chance to sign a gas lease last year.
In a deal with Chesapeake Energy announced on Tuesday, they’ll receive almost double the bonus offered previously and an additional bump in the royalties they keep. The five-year deal offers $5,750 per acre immediately as a sign-up bonus, 20 percent royalties and a multiyear extension option.
The Wyoming County landowners group represents about 37,000 acres that haven’t been leased yet, and if all property owners sign up, the deal, in bonus money alone, is worth about $212.75 million.
Chesapeake officials were hoping to have a lease signing this week, but the landowners don’t think that will be possible logistically, group secretary Chip Lines-Burgess said. “The one question that comes up is, ‘What happens if we’re on vacation next week when this comes about?’ ”
After months of relative silence on leasing in the Marcellus Shale, a layer of gas-laden rock about mile underground that centers on northern Pennsylvania, interest is again heating up.
The agreement is somewhat bittersweet for members of the group who leased last year before the financial crash with Colorado-based Citrus Energy.
Lines-Burgess’s 42 acres in Meshoppen were among those roughly 35,000 acres. They received a $2,850-per-acre bonus, minus consultant payments, for a five-year lease with 17-percent royalties. If the lands aren’t drilled within five years, there are two one-year extensions each for $1,000 per acre.
“Yes, sure, it’s a tough pill to swallow … but who knew?” she said. “If it goes a year down the road, it might go to God only knows what, or it may not. … You just have to make a decision that when you sign on the dotted line, (you’re) happy.”
She said her family was able to pay off their farm. She remained on as secretary, as did other members of the group’s core committee, because “we just felt it was our … duty to make sure this happened.”
“Our county consists of a lot of people in their golden years. … We have a lot of people who have a lot of acreage and needed something. If this wonderful lease brings those people more comfort in their golden years … that’s the ultimate,” she said. “Their grandchildren, with this, won’t have to worry about what’s in this lease.”
The deal comes as groups in Susquehanna County are signing similar leases and about a month after the Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance signed perhaps the first lease in the state with 20-percent royalties.
The South West Ross Township Property Group held a members-only meeting on Tuesday night, and member Ken Long acknowledged that the group is “in negotiations with a major gas company” and that “the monetary offers are in the ballpark of what” the Wyoming County landowners received.
He declined to confirm or deny that the company is Chesapeake.
It’s unclear what caused offers to rise so much so fast, but there are theories. “There’s been a lot of discussion about that,” said Lines-Burgess, who speculated that it might be a reaction to potential legislation that would affect leasing rights.
“We just don’t know what they (gas companies) are seeing. … Obviously, they have a plan, and we’re part of it,” she said.
Long said he believed the education efforts of land groups helped. “I would say that a lot of the efforts of the groups that have formed … are kind of paying dividends now. I think we’ve raised the standards of the leases, and we’re starting to see the increases in the bonus payment and royalties,” he said, adding that companies might be scrambling to get a foothold in the shale as more and more of the land is leased.
Copyright: Times Leader
Oil and gas drilling impact on water
• Oil and gas drilling may contaminate pristine drinking water aquifers in Bernalillo County.
Oil and gas companies frequently use a technique, hydraulic fracturing or “fracking,” to increase a well’s production of oil and gas. Fracturing fluids, which often contain toxic chemicals, are injected underground into wells at high pressures to crack open an underground formation and allow oil and/or gas to flow more freely. More than 90 percent of oil and gas wells in the United States undergo fracturing. While a portion of the injected fluids are transferred to aboveground disposal pits, some of the chemicals may remain underground.
• Drilling has polluted drinking water in New Mexico, Alabama, Colorado, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Residents have reported changes in water quality or quantity following fracturing operations of gas wells. Here is one homeowner’s account:
Laura Amos, her husband Larry and daughter Lauren live south of Silt in western Colorado. “We were among the first in our area to have natural gas drilling on our property. In May 2001 while fracturing four wells on our neighbors’ property (less than 1000 feet from our house) the gas well operator “blew up” our water well. Fracturing opened a connection between our water well and the gas well, sending the cap of our water well flying and blowing our water into the air like a geyser at Yellowstone. Immediately our water turned gray, had a horrible smell, and bubbled like 7-Up…”
• Oil and gas drilling wastes water
Oil and gas drilling in the arid west wastes billions of gallons of water and may have potentially devastating economic and environmental impacts for affected communities in the long-term. Discharging ground water can deplete freshwater aquifers, lower the water table, and dry up the drinking water wells of homeowners and agriculture users. The water discharged from oil and gas wells is highly saline. This water can permanently change chemical composition of soils, reducing soil, air and water permeability and thereby decreasing native plant and irrigated crop productivity.
• The oil and gas industry has exemptions from two major laws established to protect the nation’s water—the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The Clean Water Act is our bedrock law that protects American rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and other waterways from pollution. These surface waters are often sources of drinking water for people and livestock. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was enacted to protect public drinking water supplies as well as their sources. This Act authorizes health-based standards for drinking water to protect against both naturally occurring and man-made contaminants.
The Safe Drinking Water Act’s Underground Injection Control program protects current and future underground sources of drinking water by regulating the injection of industrial, municipal, and other fluids into groundwater, including the siting, construction, operation, maintenance, monitoring, testing, and closing of underground injection sites. Unfortunately, the oil and gas industry is exempt from crucial provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act intended to protect our drinking water.
• The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division has detected and documented more than 700 incidents of groundwater contamination from oil and gas facilities across the state.
Prior to 1990, only 39 orders were issued against oil and gas companies for contaminating groundwater; since 1990, 705 documented groundwater incidents related to the oil and gas industry have been recorded in New Mexico.
For a PDF version of this fact sheet, click here
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Residents worry about gas drillers contaminating water
Encana Gas and Oil spokeswoman says company would be required by the state to correct problems.
By Jen
Staff Writer
LEHMAN TWP. – Stefanie Spezzia and her husband, Howard, live just outside of a one-mile radius of an exploratory drilling well site in the Back Mountain.
The Spezzias built their Shady Lane home nearly four years ago, but now they worry about the possibility of water contamination due to drilling into the Marcellus Shale for natural gas. It was one of many concerns talked about at a Tuesday evening meeting for neighbors within the proposed “Salansky” gas well site area, as it is called by the company.
“We don’t have the money to put a new well up,” said Stefanie Spezzia. “If the water is contaminated and they can’t fix it, we have nowhere to go.”
EnCana Oil and Gas Inc., which operates from its headquarters in Denver, Colo., has about 8,700 gas wells across the United States. This is the first time the gas company is drilling into the Marcellus, according to Wendy Wiedenbeck, spokeswoman for the eight-year-old natural gas company.
“How safe are we from you polluting our water on your first endeavor?” asked one of the estimated 130 in attendance.
EnCana is attempting to establish a baseline for water quality and quantity conditions by requesting property owners participate in a water sampling assessment, which will be collected by Rettew Associates, a third-party environmental-testing firm based in Lancaster.
Letters were mailed April 8 to landowners located within a mile radius of the well covering Lake and Lehman townships, and Harveys Lake borough.
Wiedenbeck said the gas company would be required by the state to correct water contamination problems.
“We will take every safeguard to not impact your water,” she said to concerned residents.
Wiedenbeck said the company is committed to responsible development and protecting the water by baseline water testing.
But, residents such as the Spezzias and homeowner Libby Davis, who resides with family at their Meeker Outlet Road property just within the well drilling radius, remain skeptical.
Davis, of Lake Township, said she has not signed an access agreement that would allow the collection of water samples.
Township officials voted unanimously on April 13 to allow the company to drill near Peaceful Valley Road.
Jen Marckini, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 829-7210.
Copyright: Times Leader