Posts Tagged ‘Cumulative’

Natural Gas Drilling Effects on Municipal Governments in the Marcellus Shale Region (Part IV) Local Government Survey Results from Clinton and Lycoming Counties

A review of an economic impact study conducted by the Marcellus Shale Education and Training Center (MSETC)

This is the last of a four-part series highlighting the results of an economic impact study conducted by the Marcellus Shale Education and Training Center, a partnership of Penn College of Technology and Penn State Extension.

The economic impact survey was sent to nearly 500 Pennsylvania townships, boroughs and cities in a 12-county region, which included Clinton and Lycoming Counties. The survey was conducted in the fall of 2010 and was designed to provide insights into what occurred across the Marcellus Shale region.

Responses were received from 10 of 29 Clinton County municipalities, and 37 of 52 Lycoming County municipalities (response rate of 58 percent).  Of the respondents, 23 reported that Marcellus Shale-related natural gas drilling or development currently is occurring in their municipality.  The analysis below represents responses from these 23 (2 are in Clinton County, and 21 are in Lycoming County).

Please indicate whether or not the development or drilling of Marcellus Shale has increased or decreased each of the following areas. If there has not been an impact on a certain area, please check “No Change” for that area.

Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8A     Frequency     Percent         Frequency       Percent
Increased          10             43.48            10            43.48
No Change         13             56.52            23          100.00

Road maintenance
Cumulative      Cumulative
Q8B      Frequency     Percent        Frequency        Percent
Increased          15             65.22            15            65.22
No Change           8             34.78            23          100.00

Road construction
Cumulative      Cumulative
Q8C      Frequency     Percent        Frequency        Percent
Increased             6            27.27              6           27.27
No Change          16            72.73            22          100.00

Frequency Missing = 1

Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8D      Frequency     Percent        Frequency        Percent
Increased            1               4.55              1            4.55
Decreased           1               4.55              2            9.09
No Change         20              90.91            22         100.00

Frequency Missing = 1

School enrollment
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8E       Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Increased            9              39.13             9           39.13
No Change         14              60.87            23         100.00

Property values
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8F       Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Increased          11              47.83            11           47.83
Decreased           2                8.70            13          56.52
No Change         10              43.48            23         100.00

Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8G       Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Increased           4               17.39             4           17.39
No Change         19              82.61            23         100.00

Use of emergency services
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8H       Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Increased           7               30.43             7           30.43
No Change         16              69.57            23         100.00

Cumulative    Cumulative
Q8I        Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Decreased           6              26.09             6           26.09
No Change         17              73.91            23         100.00

Cumulative    Cumulative
Q8J        Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Increased          11              47.83            11           47.83
No Change         12              52.17            23         100.00

Residential construction
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8K        Frequency     Percent        Frequency       Percent
Increased           2                9.09              2            9.09
No Change         20              90.91            22         100.00

Frequency Missing = 1

Hotel construction
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8L        Frequency      Percent       Frequency       Percent
Increased           5               21.74             5           21.74
No Change         18              78.26            23         100.00

Other commercial construction
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8M        Frequency      Percent       Frequency       Percent
Increased           7               30.43             7           30.43
No Change         16              69.57            23         100.00

Workforce migration into municipality
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8N         Frequency      Percent       Frequency       Percent
Increased          12              52.17            12           52.17
No Change         11              47.83            23         100.00

Community conflict
Cumulative    Cumulative
Q8O         Frequency      Percent       Frequency       Percent
Increased            5              21.74             5           21.74
No Change          18             78.26            23         100.00

Water use/disposal
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8P          Frequency      Percent       Frequency       Percent
Increased           12             52.17            12           52.17
No Change          11             47.83            23         100.00

Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8Q          Frequency      Percent       Frequency       Percent
Increased            3              13.04             3           13.04
No Change          20             86.96            23         100.00

Water quality
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8R           Frequency      Percent      Frequency      Percent
————————– ————————————
Decreased            4             17.39             4           17.39
No Change          19             82.61            23         100.00

Air quality
Cumulative     Cumulative
Q8S           Frequency      Percent      Frequency      Percent
Decreased            3             13.04             3           13.04
No Change          20             86.96            23         100.00

Stormwater runoff
Cumulative    Cumulative
Q8T           Frequency       Percent      Frequency     Percent
Increased             6             26.09             6           26.09
No Change          17             73.91            23         100.00

Other environmental issues
Cumulative    Cumulative
Q8U              Frequency     Percent     Frequency     Percent
Increased             3             17.65             3           17.65
No Change          14             82.35            17         100.00

Frequency Missing = 6

Reprinted from the Clinton County Natural Gas Task Force
The survey was written by Timothy W. Kelsey, professor of agricultural economics and Melissa M. Ward, graduate student of rural sociology and human dimensions of natural resources and the environment, Penn State, with Tracy Brundage (Penn College), Jim Ladlee (Penn State), Jeff Lorson (Penn College), Larry Michael (Penn College), and Tom Murphy (Penn State).


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