Posts Tagged ‘gas-lease’

What They’re Saying: Marcellus Shale “a wonderful thing”; Creating tens of thousands of “family-sustaining jobs”

  • “There were a lot of people around here who had a nicer Christmas last year because of the gas busines
  • “The greatest economic and clean-energy opportunity of our lifetime
  • “This is a good thing for us”

Marcellus Shale creating “family-sustaining jobs”
: John Moran Jr., president of Moran Industries, described the arrival of the natural gas industry as “a wonderful thing” that will both create “family-sustaining jobs” and lead people to finally “really believe the clouds (have) parted.” He likened the gas industry to “a blessing from God” and predicted a trickle-down effect and creation of new wealth unlike anything seen here since the long-ago lumber era. Heinz said the gas industry brings to the area “unlimited” business and employment opportunities. (Williamsport Sun-Gazette, 6/23/10)

Responsible Marcellus development benefiting “the mom-and-pops”: “The burst in industrial activity creates new business opportunities and spinoff benefits for established companies, said Marilyn Morgan, president of the Greater Montrose Chamber of Commerce. “We’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs,” she said, including vendors selling food at drilling sites and start-up laundry services cleaning clothes for gas-field workers. “The mom-and-pops are starting to see some economic benefits,” Morgan said. “Restaurants are seeing a difference.” (Towanda Daily-Review, 6/23/10)

Sen. Mary Jo White: Marcellus Shale “the greatest economic, clean-energy opportunity of our lifetime”: “It must be noted that this activity has generated billions of dollars for landowners, including the state, through lease and royalty payments, as well as hundreds of millions of tax dollars through corporate and personal income, sales, fuel and other taxes. … Without question, we must ensure that drilling occurs in a responsible manner. Thanks to increased permitting fees, we now have twice as many permit reviewers and inspectors on the ground than before the Marcellus rush. … The Marcellus Shale presents perhaps the greatest economic and clean-energy opportunity of our lifetime. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 6/23/10)

Marcellus Shale expanding PA’s workforce, small businesses: “According to Heinz, M-I SWACO initially will employ about 20 to 30 people at or working out of the Moran site, but he predicted the numbers will grow. … Among the employment opportunities are skilled positions for field engineers. Those hired locally will be those with both high school and college degrees, who will train before going out to well sites, according to Heinz. (Williamsport Sun-Gazette, 6/23/10)

Congressman Joe Pitts: Marcellus Shale will benefit local companies, “reduce energy costs while improving air quality”: “A Penn State University estimate shows that there is now enough gas in the Marcellus Shale to supply the entire U.S. for more than 14 years. Obviously, the Shale is not going to be tapped all at once and will not be the sole source of gas in the U.S., meaning that wells in Pennsylvania will provide a source of natural for decades. It is estimated that natural gas exploration could lead to more than 100,000 jobs statewide. While Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District is not located above the shale,local companies will certainly benefit. … With many Pennsylvanians looking for work we shouldn’t pass up this opportunity to create new jobs. Responsible development of the Marcellus Shale can reduce energy costs while improving air quality. (Pottstown Mercury,6/23/10)

Marcellus Shale generating new jobs, significant revenue for local, regional businesses: “Larry Mostoller’s company moves up to 1 million gallons of water a day for Cabot Oil and Gas Corp. “My company has grown 300 percent in one year.” “I employ 80 percent of my workforce from Susquehanna and Wyoming counties,” he said. “I’m definitely going to go over 100 (employees) this year.” Despite controversy about the economic, environmental and employment impacts of Marcellus Shale natural gas development, the industry generates new jobs and significant revenue for regional businesses. … A recent Penn State University study financed by the gas industry concluded that drilling companies spent $4.5 billion in the state in 2009 and helped create 44,000 jobs. (Citizens Voice, 6/23/10)

Marcellus development helping local school districts, “Taxpayers like the idea”: “A school district in Bradford County is now caught up in the natural gas boom. Towanda Area School District agreed Monday night to a $500,000 gas lease with Chesapeake Energy. … “This is added money that we didn’t have before, new money,” said school board vice president Pete Alesky. … There won’t be big gas drilling rigs on the actual school property. The lease only allows the gas company to drill underneath the land. If the gas company finds gas there, then the school district can make more money by getting 20 percent royalties. “They should get in it. The opportunity is there to get some money and they should get it,” said taxpayer Howard Shaw of Wysox Township. … Taxpayers who talked with Newswatch 16 liked the idea of the district getting the surge of cash. (WNEP-TV, 6/22/10)

Marcellus Shale ‘crop’ sustaining family farms: “Natural gas is a new crop for farmers in many parts of the state. It is harvested thousands of feet below the topsoil. This new revenue it generates has allowed countless farms to stay in business, repair and upgrade their barns and buy new equipment to plant their crops. The lease revenue has saved many farms from development and allowed farmers to invest in modern no-till equipment to farm in a more efficient and environmentally friendly way – both are good for water quality and the environment. (Wilkes-Barre Times Leader LTE, 6/22/10)

Marcellus Shale send rail yards booming, boosting “overall economic development”: “A $500,000 upgrade of the historic rail yard in Fell Twp., which was built in 1825 to help ignite the region’s coal boom, is a good example of the region’s new gas industry’s ability to boost overall economic development and of the growing importance of rail freight to the region. The project will make possible the easy delivery, by rail rather than truck alone, of many of the materials used in the booming Marcellus Shale drilling industry. … The rail yard upgrade is a good example of how to use the gas industry to boost general economic activity. (Scranton Times-Tribune Editorial, 6/22/10)

PA prof.: Marcellus “energy, income, jobs a good thing for us”: “Debate about the economic effect may overlook the impact on the ground, said John Sumansky, Ph.D., an economist at Misericordia University in Dallas. “The burst of energy and income and jobs coming from this spills over to a sector where the economy has been lagging in this region,” Sumansky said. “This is a good thing for us, especially in the fields of transportation and construction.” It is a good thing for Latona Trucking and Excavating Inc., a Pittston company that does well-site preparation and hauls water for Chesapeake. On some days, up to 60 of the company’s 120 employs do gas-related work, said Joseph Latona, company vice president. … “This will probably be our best year ever in business.” (Towanda Daily-Review,6/23/10)

200,000 well-paying jobs will be generated over the next decade: “It is likely, with the continued development of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale and the aging of the current natural gas industry workforce, that more than 200,000 well-paying jobs will be generated over the next decade, with an even greater number as drilling activity increases. … There is an immediate need for truck drivers/operators, equipment operators, drillers, rig hands, geologists/geophysical staff, production workers, well tenders, engineers, land agents and more. (PA Business Central, 6/22/10)

Marcellus Shale is saving small businesses, allowing folks to have “a nicer Christmas”: “Donald Lockhart sees a big difference over the last two years at his restaurant and gas station in South Montrose along Route 29, a major artery for drilling-related traffic. “We’ve better than tripled our business since last year,” Lockhart said as he sat in a booth in the dining area while a flatbed truck hauling an industrial generator idled outside. “I’m selling more Tastykake than they are in the grocery store.” … “They saved my business by coming here.” … Dozens of small businesses in the Endless Mountains region benefit from gas development, Mostoller said. … “My employees live better because they work in this industry,” Mostoller said. “There were a lot of people around here who had a nicer Christmas last year because of the gas business,” Lockhart said. (Towanda Daily-Review, 6/23/10)

The game-changing resource of the decade: “The extraction of shale natural gas is set to become a major growth industry in the United States. Recently, Amy Myers Jaffa wrote in the Wall Street Journal that natural gas could become “the game-changing resource of the decade.” Already Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Louisiana, and other states are beginning to reap the economic benefits of a natural gas boom. A study by Penn State University predicted that the natural gas industry in Pennsylvania alone will be responsible for the creation of 111,000 jobs and for bringing in an additional $987 million in tax revenue to the state by 2011. Natural gas extraction has been one of few industries growing (without government subsidies) during this recession. ( Op-Ed, 6/23/10)


For love of the land

By Steve Mocarsky[email protected]
Staff Writer

Doug Ayers has never been one to take the easy way out, and his fellow directors on the board of the Lands at Hillside Farms are following his lead.

While much of the land surrounding the Lands at Hillside Farms has been leased for natural gas drilling into the Marcellus Shale a mile below, the board is refusing to lease any part of the nonprofit organization’s 412 acres in Kingston and Jackson townships.

“The easy route would have been to take millions of dollars to fix those greenhouses and the barn roofs and pay off our debt,” Ayers said last week while sitting under some shade trees outside the farm’s dairy store.

“The more honorable route is to work hard and go to the public because the public owns this place, and we expect them to step up to the plate,” he said.

A veterinarian and chairman of the board of the Lands at Hillside Farms, Ayers said the board agreed “to not engage the gas companies for drilling in the foreseeable future because we don’t consider it safe for the land that we’ve been entrusted with, or safe for our neighbors.”

Chet Mozloom, executive director of the farm, said he “got blitzed over a two- or three-week period with calls from people who must have thought we signed (a lease) for some reason – I don’t know why – and they expressed their disappointment.”

“They were terrified of the impact, and this was before the Clearfield well explosion. They were afraid of Huntsville or Ceasetown (reservoirs) getting destroyed because that’s where their water is coming from,” Mozloom said.

Ayers said the potential for catastrophe is too great to agree to sign a lease.

“The proof is in your newspaper – the reporting that you’re doing on the (oil leak in the) Gulf, on the (gas well) explosion in Clearfield County, the spills in Dimock, the contamination of the well water in Dimock (caused by methane gas migration), the woman in Dimock who flushed her toilet and it blew the back of her house off,” Ayers said.

“And we’re trying to give people food here,” Mozloom added, “so it’s a whole different game if this soil gets ruined. I mean, just imagine Clearfield happening right next to the Huntsville Reservoir. If that happens, it’s over.”

Hillside keeps to mission

It was January 2005 when Ayers met with the Conyngham family, who owned the farm since 1891, to pitch the idea of selling it to the public with a mission to promote organic, sustainable agriculture, resource conservation and historical preservation.

An agreement was struck and the new organization raised about $2 million in private donations and public grants, secured a roughly $2 million loan from Luzerne Bank and bought the farm for $4.058 million last fall.

The plan is to use revenue from self-sustaining micro-enterprises, such as the dairy store, a restaurant serving locally grown fare, a bed and breakfast that would double as a rentable site for private functions, a colonial living-history museum and educational facilities pay off the loan and produce enough revenue to keep the farm operating.

Ayers said the property is one contiguous block of 412 acres including farmland, pasture, more than 36 buildings and 200 acres of forest. “We’re desirable (to the gas companies) because we’re (one) large chunk,” he said.

And while the board of the Lands at Hillside Farms wouldn’t even listen to a proposal from a gas company, the board of another local nonprofit that Ayers helped found 17 years ago did.

Ayers said the board of the North Branch Land Trust, of which he is still a member, was most recently offered a $4,000-per-acre bonus payment and a 20-percent royalty for a non-surface disturbance lease.

“That means no well drilling on the property. The Land Trust will not allow well drilling on the property for sure, and we’re not entertaining any leases now because we’re not comfortable,” Ayers said.

More information needed

Ayers believes the boards of both nonprofits would support more stringent legislation for the gas and oil industry, but he doesn’t believe a proposed 2,500-foot buffer zone between well sites and water sources is adequate because “we’re in an experimental phase. &hellip We don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s all new to the geology of this area.”

In fact, Ayers said, he’d like to see a moratorium on drilling in the Marcellus Shale “until it’s proven to be much, much safer than it is right now.”

Some Land Trust board members are more comfortable with the gas industry than others, Ayers said. So it’s possible that in the future, “if the industry proved itself to be very, very safe and didn’t harm the people downstream and the environment, I think the board may go for that,” he said of allowing horizontal drilling far below the land’s surface. “But not now.”

The Land Trust owns about 700 acres, the majority of which is an approximately 667-acre tract north of Tunkhannock in Wyoming County. The remainder lies in seven other counties, including Luzerne, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Lackawanna and Columbia.

Ayers said the trust has been offered large amounts of money to lease the large tract because it’s near the Trans-Continental pipeline, “which makes it very desirable to the (gas) companies. They call us regularly,” he said.

Ayers said it would be “tempting” for the board to sign a lease because “all nonprofits need to survive, and &hellip it would allow us to perform our mission better.” He said the board recommends that people considering a gas lease should call the trust “because they’re very educated about it, they know all about this and they would guide them.

“They would prefer that people not drill on their property and do only subsurface drilling if anything. And frankly, they would prefer that the people wait to learn more and allow the industry to mature and prove itself. And they’re exemplifying that by their own decisions regarding the land they own themselves. It’s pretty hard to turn down the amount of money they’re talking about – it’s millions and millions of dollars,” Ayers said.

Ayers – man on mission

Ayers stressed that the trust and the Lands at Hillside Farms are two separate and unrelated entities. “The mission of the Land Trust is to conserve open space. It’s more of a land-related, conservation-related mission. The purpose of this facility – the Lands at Hillside farms – is to teach sustainable ways of life, or, in other words, to help people make decisions that are healthy for them, their community and the world.”

If Ayers could say one thing to area land owners, “love thy neighbor I think is what I would say, and consider them in your decisions, because they won’t be able to leave as easily if a catastrophe were to happen.

“The principles upon which this country was created rely upon giving more than taking. I mean, Aristotle, when he and his gang created democracy 2,500 years ago, said democracy is the best form of government, but it can only exist in the face of virtue. I’m not sure how long democracy can last when people are willing to risk their neighbors’ safety and welfare for money,” Ayers said.

Ayers said he thinks many people in the area are disappointed, and not just because of the ongoing corruption scandal in Luzerne County in which 30 people – including three county judges – have been charged by federal agents over the past 18 months.

Seeing neighbors signing gas leases, Ayers said, “is just another example of how people might get discouraged because they see people being selfish, they see people not caring for one another. How could the government possibly have allowed this to have occurred here without better regulation? It makes no sense,” Ayers said.

“But again, everything that goes wrong is the people’s issue. I mean it’s the people who run this place. It’s easy to say it’s the politicians and the oil companies and everybody else, but the reality is that it’s us. We are the ones responsible for all of this going on. And if we stand around and watch it, then maybe we deserve what we get.”

Steve Mocarsky, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7311.

Copyright: Times Leader

Gas-leased land borders dam

By Steve Mocarsky [email protected]
Staff Writer

 LEHMAN TWP. – Back Mountain residents and local legislators knew parcels of land leased to natural gas companies for exploration were close to two major water sources – the Huntsville and Ceasetown reservoirs, but some had no idea just how close.

There is at least one parcel of leased land on the shoreline of the Huntsville Reservoir, and another parcel just a few hundred feet from the shoreline, The Times Leader learned on Monday.

The discovery was made by title searcher Eric Gustitus, of Exeter, and verified by the newspaper through a Luzerne County property records check.

“I was doing a title search on property next to Penn State Lehman and I came across a gas lease on land close to the reservoir. I was shocked,” Gustitus said, explaining that he heard local activists expressing concerns about potential gas well sites being within a mile or two of water sources.

Gustitus located a 3.72-acre property on the shoreline of the reservoir owned by Paul and Janet Siegel, and an adjacent 10.88-acre property to the west owned by their son, Christopher Siegel, and his wife, Maureen.

“Oh my God, am I concerned,” said state Rep. Phyllis Mundy, D-Kingston, when told of the proximity of the leased land to the reservoir.

“I’m very concerned about the potential for drilling so close to the reservoir. If you’ve been following the news about Clearfield County and how frack water spewed from the well for 16 hours, you can see why potential for contamination of our water supply is of grave concern to me. And I know my constituents are concerned,” Mundy said.

A blowout at a natural-gas well in Penfield shot explosive gas and polluted water as high as 75 feet into the air last week before crews were able to tame it more than half a day later.

EnCana Oil & Gas plans to drill two exploratory wells this summer – one next month in Fairmount Township and another in Lake Township. After drilling an initial vertical well on a site, the company will drill horizontally, using a process called hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to release natural gas from the thick layer of shale about a mile beneath the earth’s surface.

Mundy is a co-sponsor of legislation that would create a 2,500-foot buffer around water sources such as the reservoirs to protect them from possible contamination from gas drilling-related activities.

The Huntsville and Ceasetown reservoirs serve as a water supply for Pennsylvania American Water Co., which serves many of Mundy’s constituents.

Mundy said Pennsylvania American President Kathy Pape had expressed concerns to her about water contamination.

Pape said on Monday she is working with Mundy to prepare testimony for the state Public Utility Commission on Marcellus Shale drilling.

Harveys Lake resident Michelle Boice, a member of the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition and a commentator on environmental issues related to gas drilling at local meetings, said allowing any kind of gas drilling operations so close to the reservoir is “beyond any kind of reasoning., and it goes to show there are no rules or protections in place for the people.”

Dr. Tom Jiunta, a founding member of the coalition, said it’s “insane how close they are with these leases” to water sources.

Paul Siegel said he’s just as concerned as his neighbors about the potential for reservoir contamination, and that’s why there’s a protective clause in his lease with EnCana. “We have the right not to let them on our land, and we wouldn’t do that because we want to live here,” he said.

Siegel said he agreed to lease the land because he got the impression that everyone around him was signing gas leases.

“When everyone around you is signing, it gets kind of like a mad rush. So, if they’re going to be drilling next to us, and they’re going to be down there anyway, we said we don’t mind if they go under us,” Siegel said.

Christopher and Maureen Siegel could not be reached for comment. Neither could EnCana spokeswoman Wendy Wiedenbeck.

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Copyright: The Times Leader

Gas lease signing set to begin today

Luzerne County property owners hope to have their own deal by year’s end.

By Rory Sweeney[email protected]
Staff Writer

Lease signing begins today for members of the Wyoming County Landowners group who have accepted a gas-drilling offer from Chesapeake Energy.

The signings could foreshadow what other local landowners are hoping comes to them soon. The South West Ross Township Property Group and Columbia County Land Owners Coalition confirmed on Friday that they, too, are in talks with Chesapeake.

The Columbia group, which represents roughly 80,000 acres in Columbia, Luzerne, Sullivan and Lycoming counties, hopes to complete a deal before the end of the year, according to an e-mail sent out to its membership.

The Ross Township group, which includes roughly 10,000 acres around Ross Township, is affiliated with the Columbia group, but also making its own discussions with Chesapeake, said Ken Long, a member of the group’s executive committee.

Group leaders expect monetary terms to be similar to the one Chesapeake offered to the Wyoming group: a five-year lease at 20-percent royalties, plus a $5,750-per-acre sign-up bonus. It includes a five-year option Chesapeake could exercise for another $5,750 per acre.

But other recent events with drillers locally could foreshadow what landowner hope to never see. The state Department of Environmental Protection issued a notice of violation to Cabot Oil and Gas Corp. for a gas spill earlier this week and ordered the company to cease hydraulic fracturing in Susquehanna County until it had completed a comprehensive engineering assessment and updated its pollution-prevention plans.

The company is currently drilling seven new wells in the county that will require fracking, which forces water, sand and chemicals into the gas-laden Marcellus Shale to fracture the rock and release the gas.

The company has 21 days to complete the assessment and 14 days to update the plan. Once it’s approved, the company will have 21 days to implement the plan.

The situation is one that landowners like the Wyoming group hope to avert with their in-depth leases. The group has been split alphabetically for this weekend’s signing. Those with surnames beginning with “A” through “L” should show up between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday at the American Legion Post 510 in the village of Black Walnut on U.S. Route 6 between Laceyville and Meshoppen. Everyone else is assigned to between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday. Those who can’t make their assigned day may show up on the other one.

Landowners who can’t make either day should be receiving an e-mail with documents that need to be signed and mailed to Chesapeake. The $1,000-per-acre initial payment will be sent by mail.

On the Web

To sign up property for a gas lease:

Rory Sweeney, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7418.

Copyright: Times Leader

Gas leases lucrative for schools

School districts that sign a lease will receive money per acre, royalty checks on a regular basis.

By Rory [email protected]
Staff Writer

There are school superintendents who would drool over the windfall Bill Bush received around January. But Bush, the superintendent at Elk Lake School District, is looking for an even bigger payday.

The district essentially made $127,500 for nothing when it signed a gas lease earlier this year for its 170 acres in Susquehanna County. The district received $750 per acre and royalties of 12.5 percent.

With lease offers hovering around $2,500 per acre in some areas, the deal doesn’t seem as equitable as it once did.

“We were excited at the time, but not now,” Bush said. “I think anybody who signed a lease prior to today probably wishes they had waited.”

Still, the district jumped on the offer, he said, because the company assured it would drill a well on district property, guaranteeing the district a handsome royalty check on a regular basis.

With a furor building over the potential of the natural gas reserves locked in a rock layer that stretches from New York to Virginia, the decision is one that many school districts in the area might have to soon consider. Bush said he believes Elk Lake is the first district to sign, but others aren’t far behind.

Tunkhannock Area School District recently agreed to join a group of Wyoming County landowners who are negotiating a gas lease. Dallas School District is also discussing lease options.Bush said Cabot Oil and Gas Corp. is planning to have a well online by the 2009-2010 school year. It’s unclear how much the district stands to gain from royalties, but surrounding areas “indicate strong reserves,” Bush said. “If we’re consistent with what the project is locally, it would certainly be beneficial to the district,” he said.

So far, Elk Lake is attempting to ignore its financial good fortune, Bush said. The money it already received went to the general fund and disappeared in the district’s almost $17 million annual budget. Instead of counting down the days until royalties start rolling in, people in the district are looking at them as an unexpected bonus if they come.

“I think everybody’s kind of reserving judgment to see how it comes out,” Bush said. “I think they’ve remained grounded.”

Bush has modest plans for the funds, such as building and grounds maintenance and upgrading technology.

Beyond the royalties it would receive from drilling, the district retained the rights to 200,000 cubic feet of gas each year, which it could use or sell at market price. At prices calculated by the federal Energy Information Administration, the district would make about $1,500 from its yearly allotment. The district is considering switching from its oil-fired heating system to a natural gas one, Bush said.

The district also reserved other land rights in about two dozen addendums to the lease.

“Environmental concerns were first and foremost,” Bush said, but safety and other issues were included.

Beyond the royalties, the district retained the rights to 200,000 cubic feet of gas each year, which it could use or sell at market price.

Copyright: Times Leader

Tunkhannock joins gas-lease group

By Rory [email protected]
Staff Writer

TUNKHANNOCK – The Tunkhannock Area School District will join a landowners group that is uniting to negotiate natural-gas leases.

The decision was made by a unanimous vote of the school board Thursday evening at a work session.

The school district owns about 200 acres, all of which will be available for leasing.

It intends to join the already 900-member Wyoming County Landowners Oil and Gas Lease group, which controls 47,000 acres, according to group members.

The group has agreed to accept no offer less than $2,700 per acre, board President Jack Tomlin said.

That represents an influx of about $540,000 into the district’s coffers, and about $126.9 million for the group’s members.

Because the board wasn’t able to make a decision by the admission deadline created by the group, it will be put on a waiting list for the next round of member approvals, he said.

He said the board had individually sought offers from gas companies for its land, but had found the process untenable. The group’s $30 entry fee and access to legal representation made joining economical, he said.

“Part of it is there is no obligation to sign” any lease offered, he said.

The school’s holdings include four elementary schools, an administration center, a secondary school and a tract of empty land in a nearby township.

Jim Harvey, a member of the group, said just a month ago the agreed upon lease price was $2,100. At that rate, the district would stand to gain $420,000, and landowners would receive nearly $100 million.

As a taxpayer, Harvey was pleased with the board’s decision.

“It’s a huge chunk of money. It could be a free gift,” he said.

However, he was concerned that the pristine land could be polluted and ruined by drilling.

Jim Greenley, a fellow taxpayer, pointed out that opportunities to lower school taxes shouldn’t be missed.

“Our millage just went up tonight,” he said. “It might go down now.”

Copyright: Times Leader