Posts Tagged ‘leading environmental advocate’

Pa. inspectors looking into gas well emergency

MARC LEVY Associated Press Writer

HARRISBURG — State environmental regulators worked Sunday to get to the bottom of what caused a natural-gas well to spew explosive gas and polluted water for 16 hours last week before it could be brought under control.

Neil Weaver, spokesman for the Department of Environmental Protection, blamed a failure on the well’s blowout preventer, a series of valves that sit atop a well and allow workers to control the pressure inside. Investigators are trying to figure out what caused the malfunction.

The blowout is the latest in a string of accidents connected by regulators to the rapidly growing pursuit of the rich Marcellus Shale gas reserve that lies beneath much of Pennsylvania.

It seems likely the Pennsylvania blowout will enter the debate in the Capitol, where legislators are battling over the merits of an extraction tax and tighter regulations on an industry that has spent several billion dollars and drilled more than 1,000 wells in Pennsylvania in just a couple years.

State Rep. David Levdansky, D-Allegheny, said such oil problems could bring increased interest in a moratorium on leasing public land for gas drilling and a severance tax that could largely fund existing environmental protection and cleanup programs. Levdansky is a leading environmental advocate.

Weaver declined to discuss whether investigators have found anything so far or whether well driller EOG Resources Inc. of Houston committed any violations that could lead to fines or any other penalties.

An EOG spokeswoman said Sunday the investigation into the cause is ongoing, and the company had no light to shed on the blowout.

Crews evacuated the site Thursday night and didn’t regain control over it until just past noon Friday. No one was injured, the gas didn’t explode and polluted water didn’t reach a nearby waterway, officials said.

The blowout sent highly pressurized gas and polluted water 75 feet into the air. Huge tanks were required to cart off chemical- and mineral-laced water collected on the grounds of the private hunting club where the well had just been drilled.

Copyright: Times Leader