Posts Tagged ‘Will Brackett’

Drilling issues to be addressed

Texans to share their experiences

HUGHESVILLE – As night falls over Beaver Lake Road, work lights gradually accentuate a towering structure visible between the rolling hills. In the middle of a roughly square-acre site, the drilling rig is about halfway through a four-week stay at this rural Lycoming County site.

Soon thereafter, the rig will leave, crews will arrive to tap the natural-gas well, gas will begin being pumped into regional transmission pipelines and Chief Oil & Gas LLC of Dallas, Texas, will begin reaping income.

So will Neil and Louise Barto, though hardly what they say they deserve. They signed over the mineral rights to their nearly 178 acres three years ago for $888.45 and the state-minimum 12.5-percent royalties on the production.

“Everybody made money except us,” Neil Barto said. “Hell yes, it irritates me. … Every time I see somebody from Chief, I tell them I’m not happy about it.”

That’s the sort of cautionary tale the Joint Urban Studies Center is hoping to keep to a minimum in the area by hosting the Marcellus Shale Symposium on Nov. 19 at the Woodlands Inn & Resort in Plains Township. Cost is $30. The symposium will feature experts from the Fort Worth area, which witnessed during the past two decades a historical revolution as the oil and gas industry figured out how to tap gas stores under urban centers.

“The energy companies are used to operating out in rural areas where there’s nothing to bother but some cows and horses and whatnot,” said Will Brackett, the managing editor of the weekly Powell Barnett Shale Newsletter. With people came environmental concerns, landowners organizing to leverage better offers and opposition from those left out of the Barnett Shale windfall.

John Baen, a real estate professor at the University of North Texas, said he’s in a unique position to comment on the Marcellus because he used to fish in the Susquehanna River growing up as a boy, but also watched 9,000 wells be drilled in five Texas counties within seven years. “We had a lot of people who said, ‘Not in my back yard,’ then we had a lot of people who said, ‘Well maybe,’ and people who said, ‘Drill every square foot,’” he said.

Brackett noted that people who hadn’t finished high school were landing $50,000-per-year jobs, making it difficult for other industries to keep workers. As the companies struck more and more hydrocarbon gold, they offered leases to ever more landowners, who began organizing and using the Internet to publicize offers. Bidding wars erupted, with offers at $25,000 per acre and 25-percent royalties on production. “It got to be, I’d have to say, surreal around here,” he said. “Last year, if you went to a party, everyone was talking about the Barnett Shale.”

One of the most important steps to expanding exploitation of the shale is placating objectors, Baen said.

“I have a theory that everyone should be a stakeholder, and everybody should win,” he said. “It might take some pretty big changes in some of your laws up there to have everybody benefit.”

He noted that Texas has no state income tax, but that every mineral-rights owner pays a severance tax that has left the state with an $11-billion overabundance.

Both Brackett and Baen agree Pennsylvania and its citizens stand to benefit extensively from the advances made in Fort Worth in recent years, but only if the state refocuses its mineral-rights policies from coal to gas and oil.

“I’m calling it the Jewel of the Northeast,” Baen said, but “will it be allowed to be developed? And it may not.”

If the state legislature doesn’t act quickly, he predicted the economic benefit could be delayed up to five years.

Copyright: Times Leader